
Mt. Makiling | The Sleeping Beauty of South Luzon

   Date: September 14, 2019 |  Location: Laguna / Batangas
Mt. Makiling
Mt. Makiling is a dormant volcano located on the border of Laguna and Batangas. It has no record of eruption but volcanism is still evident because of mud spring and hot springs features. It is protected area by the University of the Philippines to preserve its biodiversity. It is considered as one of the favorite mountain of hikers and even the researchers / scientists. 

Majestic Rain Forest
 May 2019 : My friends and I decided to climb Mt. Makiling for the first time. We don't have any idea about this mountain aside from the myth (named as Maria Makiling) and the fact that it is rich in flora and fauna. We were welcomed by different signage like this one below. It is important to remind all tourist to be a responsible hiker because some are undeniably irresponsible. 

Be a responsible hiker
Make TODAY an adventure - Adventure is the spice of life. We all need adventure in our lives once in a while. Some might go so far as to say that adventure is a paramount to our happiness. Simply breaking your normal routine or trying new things can be an adventure. 

Life is boring without adventure
To be honest, I did not even know that this place in Mt. Makiling existed. When the moment came that we had to enter the Mossy Forest, the ambiance event more beautifully surreal. Trees are hugged by thin layers and their branches are laced by more tussled moss. The mossy forest is so enchanting!

Mossy Forest
Mt. Makiling proved that it's one of the best destination to look forward by all mountaineers. Thank to University of the Philippines for the efforts in preserving its pristine and surreal beauty. Take a look at these photos I took during our hike in this majestic mountain. To be honest, I am very fascinated about KORU - (Māori for "loop or coil") - it symbolizes new life, growth, strength and peace.

Nature Shot #1
Nature Shot #2
Nature Shot #3
Nature Shot #4
Nature Shot #5
Nature Shot #6
Nature Shot #7
We Made It To The Top!
Bring the following:
  • 2 liters of water / packed lunch / light foods
  • Poncho
  • Limatik Repellent 
  • First-aid Kit
  • Excess clothes (after hike)
  • Hygiene stuff
  • Php 200.00 (tour guide fee)
  • Php 20.00 (exit fee at UPLB)
Travel Time
Jam (Cubao)
San Felix
Php 130.00
3 hrs.
San Felix
Sitio Jordan
Php 100.00/4
15 mins.
Exit- UPLB
Php 20.00
10 mins
Php 94.00
2 hrs.

Tired but very happy!
L E A V E . NO . T R A C E
K E E P . T R A V E L I N G
I T'S . M O R E . F U N . I N . T H E . P H I L I P P I N E S
I N S T A G R A M : traveljepar / jericpar_official | F A C E B O O K : traveljepar | T W I T T E R : traveljepar

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